If you know me you know of my damnable addiction to demonstrable fact as opposed to consensus opinion, mystical revelation, emotion, or necessarily oversimplified computer model. So you'll not be surprised that I find the shrill cries of doom from the environmentalist movement distasteful at best and life-threatening at their worst, that is once they start enrolling the government as the muscle enforcing their maniacal hatred of man. So I was interested to see, a unique perspective on the analysis of energy and the environment, an article by Dr. Keith Lockitch called Climate Vulnerability and the Indispensible Value of Capitalism, announced yesterday on the blog Voices for Reason.

He addresses the ideas from an interesting angle, rather than wade into the muck about the science of climate change he focuses on what other factors make us susceptible to harm by storms or other climate disasters, in his words:

Climate alarmists are trying to make people hysterical over the possibility of large-scale changes to the earth’s climate, which they claim will be a “planetary emergency.” But they ignore the fact that our susceptibility to climate-related threats depends on a lot more than what’s happening in the atmosphere. In particular, it depends on our political and economic conditions.

He shows that policies which stifle innovation and protect wilderness, for wilderness sake, make us ill equipped to prevent or react to storms, fires and other disasters. He also presents historical examples where industrialized countries fared much better in similar weather related disasters to countries that were pre-industrial or weighed down with statist controls.

I recommend reading it because it strikes a blow against the assumption that the solution to bad weather is outlaw industrial society and return to a "simpler" time.

AuthorKevin McAllister

I have just made an important discovery about my mental limitations and my response to them. I've confirmed something I had already known, that my mental stack for sub-tasks is finite. For a while I've been troubled occasionally by a nearly overwhelming emotional need to do anything else besides my current work. For a few months now I have been seeking, opportunistically, to understand this emotional state because it seemed completely at odds with my goals and my usual relentless need to understand things. The idea here is there are often tasks that have hidden or unrealized requirements. An example is you start out to vacuum the rug, and you need to clean up the clutter and move furniture, but when you move the furniture you discover that the leg on the chair is so loose that it is unsafe, so you go to repair it only to find that your out of wood glue and finishing nails. And to make it to the hardware store you need to stop and get gas and go to the ATM for cash. So when you originally set out to vacuum the rug you never would have said, okay well I'd better go get gas and some cash before I get started. I've heard that this phenomenon is referred to as [yak shaving](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/yak_shaving). But I think most people have experienced this, and typically the stacks of additional tasks don't get too deep. However, in my work it is nearly a daily occurrence that my projects uncover things I could never have known until the work was begun. Some block your progress and some don't, some are big, but some are small. I've found it's the small ones that block your progress that were really stacking up on me and causing a problem.

If it is a big problem, meaning a full project in it's own right, and is not blocking my current progress, I simply make a note that this new thing needs to be done too and continue on my way. Even if it blocks my progress, I'll go ahead and shelve the first task and take on the second one. But if it is a small problem and blocking my progress, I just switch to this new task, and try to mentally retain all the context that got me there. Generally this works, but, often my extra tasks go down so deep that I reach a point where it is impossible to retain the whole context. This mental overload is real, and painful, and I've been dealing with it all wrong.

When I reach this point of mental overload I run away screaming! Well not literally, but I certainly do try and do anything else. Suddenly it seems like checking my email, or going to get a coke at the vending machine is the most important thing in the world. I think there are other factors in play as well, such as, if the driving project behind these sub-tasks is something that is only mildly interesting or something I loathe then the threshold for the number of sub-tasks I am willing to endure is much smaller.

The breakthrough in my thinking was realizing that this overwhelming need to go find and clean my white tennis shoes was in direct response to learning I had yet another task to be pushed onto the stack. So the emotional response was because I was no longer able to hold the whole of my current task in my head, and I have now set up a contradiction.

I know the thing I am doing is important and more important than the new thing because it is bigger and implies the new thing, so to prevent myself from losing the broader context I will not work on the new sub-task so I don't lose any of the important details of the super task. But I also know that I cannot proceed on the broader task without working on the sub-task. As this contradiction leaves me nothing to actually do I might as well get a coke and avoid the whole irresolvable mess.

Now this has been a source of guilt and loss of productivity for me for a while because when in that mess I'm not making progress on my project. But from [David Allen](http://davidco.com/) and [Jean Moroney](http://thinkingdirections.com/) I've already learned the solution to mental overload. That is to write things down.

So the strategy I've just developed is when I recognize this feeling to stop and ask myself, "Are you overloaded?" If the answer is yes, then I simply need to write down the context I am in danger of losing. At this time I suspect that will consist of a list of the outstanding tasks that are standing in my mind.

If the answer to that question is not, yes, I have a backup question that has helped me with procrastination before that is, "What do you want?" I mean this in a broad way, basically, it helps me bring to mind the reasons behind undertaking the tasks in the first place.

AuthorKevin McAllister
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Apparently keeping your old software up to date is important, if you still use it and it is publicly accessible. I noticed my brother's away site had a huge spam problem, which I thought odd, since I had installed a spam filter a long time ago.

I logged in and noticed the spam filter was missing in action. It wasn't just disabled or working wrong, it was gone. This combined with the fact that a few weeks back everyone who commented on the site was listed as "Anonymous" regardless of what information they entered finally clicked in that some script-kiddie nonsense was going on.

I saw that someone had managed to upload a handful of files into the /tmp directory I would guess compromising some well known flaw in WordPress version 1.5, and make an entry in the DB to activate their files as plugins. It turns out the filter wasn't actually gone just hidden from me and disabled.

No matter I just kept his data, installed the newest version of WordPress and I've fixed both of those annoying problems. Now I'll just have to remind myself to keep those sites up to date. I also took the opportunity to disable a couple of sites that I know aren't really functioning anymore but may have had code accessible to the outside world. So if you were counting on my test install of Trac for anything, tough luck.

AuthorKevin McAllister

I've realized another perfectionist tendency that I've been letting defeat me. The result has been that the big hard (and interesting) tasks are starving for attention because the little tasks are being given center stage of the always elusive and much coveted big block of time. I've learned through my years of focusing on productivity with increasing responsibility that you aren't going to be able to sit and work on a problem for 10 hours straight without lots of other stuff just exploding. The obvious solution to this is to break things up from 10 hour tasks into smaller chunks. That way the chunks can be interleaved throughout your day, and you work in layers[^1].

The problem arrises is that some tasks can't be chunked up, they are hard, consequently they are the ones I enjoy the most. Sitting down and really thinking about a hard problem to come up with a clean solution is one of the things I enjoy most. But perversely I will resist starting the hard tasks.

The pain associated with being interrupted at such a task is real and is brutal. So I resist because I am certain I will be interrupted and I am not completely certain that there isn't something else more important to do. I have tons of snack-tasks[^2] that have piled up into a big-meal sized task. These snacks are very important to me and each can and must be taken care of quickly and efficiently. Often some need to be done before I can decide what big task I should work on. The problem is, to continue the snack metaphor, I have ruined my productive appetite for a big meal with snacks. The piled up snacks are now a big-meal task in their own right. So instead of quickly clearing the inbox from 9:00 - 9:15. I am doing a GTD style weekly review from 9:00 - 11:00. This leaves me only an hour before lunch, when I know I don't have enough time to make a proper start on one of my big tasks.

So I've realized the real problem is not that my queue of bite-sized tasks has reached meal size, but that I have implicitly decided that I need to eat the whole meal. I had properly queued the tasks when I was doing other things so as not to be distracted, but instead of just taking a few things or 15 minutes worth of things off the queue a few times a day. I have decided that I must empty the queue now before continuing or I will (*horror*) have left the task incomplete. This is the same problem as thinking you need to do the whole project in one sitting rather than just the next-action. The allure is these little tasks are usually easy to do, and if I'm interrupted easy to resume later.

So I've decided the solution is to not empty the queue every time I process the inbox, or go to read flagged articles. It's to use natural time limits, 4 minutes before a meeting, 10 minutes before lunch, 30 minutes before I need to take Allison to school, to get as many of them done as possible. Or set an artificial time limit at the outset of my chunk of time, process the queue until the time limit expires and reserve my big blocks of uninterruptible time for the big, fun and ugly tasks.

My hope is that by challenging the idea that I need to completely process every one of these queued up snack-tasks, I will be able to interrupt myself from them to realize I actually have an unbroken 2.5 hours ahead of me and I could stop snacking on almonds and dig in on a big juicy steak.

[^1]: The concept of working in layers is something I learned from Jean Moroney at [Thinking Directions](http://thinkingdirections.com/). I highly recommend her course on Thinking Tactics and am anxiously awaiting her book.

[^2]: By snack-task, I mean things like clearing my inbox, updating financial information, reading some articles I've flagged as interesting, having a quick phone call with a vendor or anything that can be done completely in a short amount of time, say between 2 and 30 minutes.

AuthorKevin McAllister
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It's a shame that the great business producers continue to sanction completely irresponsible government. Read this in Warren Buffet's annual report for Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. "Whatever the downsides may be, strong and immediate action by government was essential last year if the financial system was to avoid a total breakdown."

Since we all know that sacrificing the strong to pay for the mistakes of the weak and then pretending there wasn't an underlying problem always fixes everything.

AuthorKevin McAllister

I read a post at [NoodleFood](http://www.dianahsieh.com/blog/) this morning, [1 in 7 Americans functionally illiterate](http://www.dianahsieh.com/blog/2009/02/1-in-7-americans-functionally.shtml). And it reminded me of how grades are treated versus knowledge. The primary reason you go to school is to gain knowledge. Grades are simply a tool used by the educators to assess your grasp of what they are teaching. Contrary to their purpose the grades, degrees and diplomas seem to be seen by students as some magic stamp. They are trying to achieve the reverse of cause and effect. The students and parents want the effect which is the good grade and what that can mean for their life and careers, without enacting the cause which is learning the subject. My brother teaches writing at Temple University and he'll occasionally share the excuses and pleading that he receives from students and astoundingly, from their parents. He once had a students father ask him for a better grade, offering no valid reasons only the fact that she needed it. I would never have been able to ask my parents to plead for charity from a teacher. Had I tried my father would have given me hell and refused.

I always saw the line at the teacher after a grade was returned going to beg for points as an insane waste of time. Getting good grades was easy. I was there to learn, and they measured my knowledge of the subject matter to give me a grade. It all worked out really well.

The only time I remember going to the teacher after a test (not after it was graded) was when I found part of the test unfair. The mid-term had a question worth 40% of the grade on the test. The point tested by the question was covered, but only in two or three paragraphs out of many chapters in the reading. It was never addressed in the lectures or homework problems. I thought the proportion of the grade it represented was unjust. The point was not essential to the overall understanding of the course, but could represent a whole letter grade overall.

I went to explain my concern and was greeted with condescension and derision, possibly justified, as there was a group there to complain and, I assume, beg for a better grade a priori. He told me, "I'm sorry you didn't do well on the exam but I will not change it." I made an enemy for life when I told him, "I'm sure I got an A on the exam, I just thought the weight of that question was unfair." He then confirmed my name. I was not worried because I was not making an idle boast. I got a 96/100. He never liked me much after that which I had a hard time understanding. As I clearly met his criteria and respectfully was raising a valid point.

I didn't like him much after that either, because I saw him as a small person trying to prove his superior knowledge by slipping unfair questions into a mid-term. His superior knowledge was already acknowledged, why else would I listen to his lectures? He of course was abusing the idea behind grades as well, using them as a false measure of self-worth.

But although I judged him dishonest he was not overtly malicious and continued to give worthwhile lectures, which I continued to attend. I was there to learn, not to achieve friendships with professors or even letter grades. Those things were valuable, but secondary. So the point is, remember your purpose in school or in sending your children to school.

You send your children to school to learn, so help them learn. Help them to understand cause and effect. Don't cripple them by teaching them how to appeal to pity for better letter grades. They'll just end up not understanding the words "former" and "latter" in a college classroom somewhere.

And to reiterate what I took as Diana's point, if they are not able to learn because the school is not able to teach. Hold the teachers accountable. And attack everything that makes any incompetence on their part acceptable.

AuthorKevin McAllister

Ari Armstrong is planning a demonstration that it is possible to eat a healthy diet on a food stamp budget. [Low-Carb Diet, Food Stamp Budget](http://www.freecolorado.com/2009/02/low-carb-diet-food-stamp-budget.html). He is doing this not only to show that increases in the food stamp program are unnecessary, but in full protest of the entire program. This not only protests the evil of redistribution of wealth, but will prove useful to those who think are honestly trying to eat a healthy diet on the smallest imaginable budget. I look forward to tracking his choices closely as I could use some inexpensive ideas.

As a side note tomorrow will be a full month since I committed to greatly reducing refined carbs in my diet and I have lost 11 lbs. This is with never finishing a mealy hungry and with my only extra exercise being a few lunch time walks, going to the gym one time and some snow shoveling. Chart showing loss of 11 lbs in just under a month.

AuthorKevin McAllister

Apparently my feed has been broken since Sometime in November. At that time I upgraded wordpress, and possibly related was the merging of FeedBurner and Google. Anyway It should be working now. So for the 3 or 4 people who follow the feed, you will be delighted to know that I have been making an effort to add content regularly. And strangely you have a little bit of catching up to do. Unless you follow my tweets, then you probably already read all the posts.

AuthorKevin McAllister
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I've received word of a promising new blog focused on economics from an Objectivist point of view called [Simply Capitalism](http://www.simplycapitalism.com/2009/01/welcome-to-simply-capitalism.html). It could prove a nice counterpoint of reason to the cacophony of shrill demands for increasing governmental control in our economic lives. Subscribe to [their RSS feed](http://feeds.feedburner.com/SimplyCapitalism) and see for yourself.

AuthorKevin McAllister
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Just a few quick opportunities to comment or send letters letting the newspapers know that even though they praise all the early work of the new administration, it still comes down to destruction of wealth regardless of their wishing or the fact that it was done by their favorite pragmatic politician versus the previous bunch of pragmatic politicians. The newspapers seem to have an answer to the statement, "Bush had a stimulus and a bailout package and they aren't working." Their answer is, sure he handed out money, but there was no oversight, no federal controls on the recipients of the money. First this is false, there were controls. Second, and most importantly, government controls and regulations and other meddling with the economy are the primary cause of this mess. So their idea is that to make the economy work we must become more efficient at destroying wealth.

Here are a couple Inquirer and Daily News stories that are praising the destruction of wealth and productivity as good things:

We are setting up for a perfect storm. Inflationary policies caused the dot-com bubble, the solution was of course to redouble the easy money policies to get out of the emergency which has caused the housing bubble. The solution to this is now apparently to deal with the emergency by looting even more money to spread around and solve the problem. Combine this with the arbitrary assertion of global warming, or climate change if you prefer, and the government will not only steal every dollar produced by our businesses but also make it illegal for them to produce because it is allegedly destroying the planet.

The answers are not hard to come by, just apparently hard to accept. The government exists to protect individual rights, and that is it. When it tries to cure any, let alone every, social and economic problem it necessarily violates some peoples rights in favor of others.

AuthorKevin McAllister

The January 21st New York Times article, "[How Green is my Orange?](http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/22/business/22pepsi.html?_r=2)"reveals the environmentalists most holy sacrament.

The article shows giants of production, like [PepsiCo](http://www.pepsico.com/), are sacrificing their time and ability calculating and reducing carbon emissions in an attempt to avoid being a victim of governmental mandates.

You may wonder at the nature of the atrocity committed by PepsiCo that would require governmental retribution and demands such atonement. They are cowering in fear because they have committed the only mortal sin recognized by environmentalists, they produce life sustaining nourishment for man. While their efforts at reconciliation are to be applauded, they are insufficient.

The highest virtue and grace of environmentalism can only be achieved by the complete sacrifice of man and his values to the pure untouched wilds of nature.

AuthorKevin McAllister

Listening to a story about the SEC persecuting Apple because Steve Jobs is in poor health on the [WSJ](http://wsj.com/) daily read, They compared it to a situation with HP where a director resigned. According to the article, "Under securities laws a company needs to disclose the reasons if a director leaves over a disagreement about company policy." Is the persecution of a company about a sick CEO or for the specific reasons behind a high level persons resignation an example of the "atmosphere of deregulation and deference to industry" I've been hearing so much about?

AuthorKevin McAllister

A day late, but here is my thought on yesterday's holiday. Ninety men in three small ships sailed west from Europe for over a month, when dawn came on October 12, 1492, the sun rose on a new world. Columbus, the motive power behind this expedition, was a man of independent mind that challenged the authority of the "experts" and of the whole world. He discovered America, bringing European civilization to our shores. A critical and historic event that sowed the seeds of what was to become the freest and most prosperous country ever, the United States of America.

When thinking of yesterday, I remember the greatness, the courage, the independent judgment of a man.

AuthorKevin McAllister

"The time is past when the notion of economic self-seeking and unrestricted use of profits made can be allowed to dominate…. The economic system must serve the nation." This could have been written in any editorial recently, and certainly a similar sentiment was spouted on Capitol Hill in the past weeks. But it is a quote of the Nazi Minister of Economics in the book [The Omnious Parallels](http://www.amazon.com/Ominous-Parallels-Leonard-Peikoff/dp/0452011175/mclazarus-20/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1223927521&sr=8-1).

With the economic controls and the sacrifice of individual rights to the nation, we are putting a motor on our drift from freedom to fascism.

AuthorKevin McAllister