Tonight during Monday Night Countdown on ESPN watching a segment called "Jacked Up!" Where they review the top 5 big hits of the football games this weekend. Allison started cracking up during the hits, when we said "boom!" Yeah that's right, big hits are universally enjoyable, as long as you aren't the one being hit.

AuthorKevin McAllister
Categoriesfunny, Personal

This is one of the funniest clips I ever heard, I don't remember how I got my hands on it. I think one of my co-workers at ASPRE sent it to me, or maybe a former co-worker from Northrop Grumman. I have no idea who the caller is, or what company they are calling, but every time I listen to it I really crack up. Now this is not worksafe, well I guess that depends on where you work, but it's basically a guy screaming language that is not commonly acceptable.


AuthorKevin McAllister