Wanna track all the daily deals in your favorite news aggregator? Well get on over to Roosster and add a couple feeds so when you finally do crack open that wallet to buy crap you will have some money left over to put your McDonald's coupons to use. Some other good resources for the more thrifty among us are freecycle and craigslist. Freecycle: I was able to get a "new" color printer for my brother, I think the Wookie secured a chest freezer to store dead things in, and there were another couple near misses. Plus once I start filling up on extra junk I will be more than happy to give back.

And check out your local craigslist, which is basically a high signal to noise classifieds section. I think they charge for job postings to support themselves, but otherwise anyone can post. And they wisely have RSS feeds for most of their stuff too.

AuthorKevin McAllister