My brother of Away Message Fame, has decided to take his brand to a new level. Since someday he has aspirations of living in my basement, and I intent to charge outrageous rent, he will need to make some money to fix it up. Also the money would help for buying of food. Toward that end he has chosen writing as a way of trying to make money, so far I think it has only cost him money and also sleep, brain cells and liver health. But now he is finally, going to publish long winded rants and essays on his web page, that are slightly more thought out then his away messages. In the hopes that someone will recognize his talent and start sending him checks. So check it out read The World According to TMC at least weekly. Put his RSS feed into your favorite aggregator. And by all means send him money, my basement could use some work. You can read about the birth of the McAllister Nation here.

AuthorKevin McAllister